Going concern opinions form the basis for decisions on the prolongation of credit commitments and are therefore essential in crisis situations.
We issue going concern opinions in accordance with the requirements of the lender and in agreement with the company in crisis. Our expert opinions are subject to the IDW guidelines or to the regulations of the jurisdiction.
As going concern opinions are often sought only at a very advanced stage of the crisis, we issue statements usually within 6 to 8 weeks. At the same time, we do not wait until the opinion requested has been provided to take measures, but start directly with the restructuring. Thus, the chances of success improve crucially.
Development of robust business plans
Accurate and reliable sales assessments form the basis of the successful restructuring. Thus, we check for example for companies in the automotive industry or mechanical engineering every single contract.
Coordination of all restructuring measures with creditors, customers, suppliers, company managers and owners
We develop business continuity concepts in case of self-administered insolvency proceeding and propose the appointment of a fiduciary or custodian to oversee the parties’ compliance with the commitments.