No time to hesitate – we’ll find savings for you at any rate
With the help of integrated project groups and in close collaboration with your team we are able to achieve sustainable process improvements, efficiency enhancements and cost reductions.
We examine the options for a short-term adjustment of staff capacity, conduct negotiations with the works council and implement the necessary measures right away. In some cases, the impact of our efforts has already been recognized in the balance sheet during the course of the project. If we see no chance that your investment costs will be paid off within one year, then we do not take on the task.
The optimization of the decision-making procedures and the organizational structures has a significant impact on the cost and efficiency of the processes.
We evaluate your existing locations with a focus on your service portfolio, cost items and processes and initiate a targeted optimization directly.
A significant factor in improving company competitiveness is the expanding of businesses in low-cost locations. In recent years we witness an increase in the outsourcing not only of production and assembly services with intensive manual effort, but also of high-level research and development departments. This usually first happens with the departments whose production already takes place abroad. In a second step, however, they are often followed by some of the company services.
Many shared services centers are today also outsourced in cost-efficient locations.
We perform country assessments and location analyses. We are your Specialist for Eastern Europe.
Our interim managers, project managers and professionals provide you with complete support, from the set-up of new sites to the ongoing production.
IMACOS assures overall supports in all functional areas:
Production / Assembly:
Increase in output and quality, resource optimization, shortening of throughput times, re-organization of the value creation chain
Shortening throughput times, resource optimization, design to cost, component optimization, standardization and construction of modular structures
Increase in efficiency by optimizing the management structures – we put all services to the test. We consider for example whether all services should be performed in-house by a subsidiary abroad or rather be acquired from a third party.
Why perform functions such as payroll, invoicing, preparation of standard offerings or controlling at your headquarters in Germany? You can let a subsidiary in Poland or Bulgaria take care of that instead and get the whole job done cost-efficiently and under control.
Supplier selection, procurement strategies, category management, supply chain optimization, improvement of payment terms, inventory optimization and inventory policy
Margin improvement, reduction of loss-generating units, customer segmentation, process optimization, customer acquisition and customer service, including coordination between sales, R&D and production, sales planning, controlling and CRM optimization, evaluation and training of sales staff, start-up and project management, claim management